Monday, September 21, 2009

What a weekend!!!!

We cooked some much BBQ that we ran out on Saturday of all our food which was for both Saturday and Sunday. We had to scramble around late Saturday and re-cook more BBQ with out much mariande or injection time for Sunday morning. The BBQ came out awesome both days and we sold out both days. Pictures will follow soon.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Going to be a busy weekend

The Backwoods competitor is going to be stuffed full of pork, chicken, MOINK balls, ABTs, ribs, and anything else I may want to throw in there. I have the farmer's market this Saturday, as the last two Saturdays the Farmer's Market was cancelled due to weather.
Also, Sunday is going to be a big day and its the annual Georgetown Days event with Chili and salso contest, beer tasting, flea market, bands, fairs, lots of vendors. Hoping to be selling tons of BBQ both Saturday and Sunday. The weather looks great for both days